
兹收到118大楼承包商通知, 由2016年10月14日晚上10时正至10月16日晚上10时正,通往本寺后面停车场的Jalan Stadium 将对外关闭,禁止外来车辆驶入,以进行川流不息的大型倒水泥基建工程。

由于2016年10月15日(星期六),适逢农历九月十五,威镇宫供斋结善缘之日,在与上述承包商会面商议后,对方将于10月15日当天租下对面中华大会堂旁边,Din’s Parking的100个泊车位。



Notice for visitors to 威镇宫 on 15 October 16,which falls on 农历九月十五.

The contractor for 118 Tower has informed that Jalan Stadium (ie the access to the back of the temple) will be closed to the public from 10pm 14 October (Friday) to 10pm 16 October (Sunday) to facilitate their continuous concreting works for the raft foundation.

Following our meeting with the contractor, the following was agreed :

1. The 118 Tower Contractor will rent 100 car park lots opposite our temple (next to KLSCAH, 隆雪华堂) for the whole day on 15 October 16. Visitors to the temple can park there free of charge on that day. Just say that you are visiting the temple.

Take note and please inform your friends and relatives who intend to go for prayer or vegetarian lunch at威镇宫 on农历九月十五 15 October 2016, this Saturday.

Thank you.

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