文告:雪隆福建会馆声援合约医生,促政府制定平等正职医生任用制度/Press Statement: Formulate a Clear, Transparent, Merit-based and Fair Appointment System for Permanent Positions for Contract Doctors





雪隆福建会馆呼应马来西亚医药协会(Malaysian Medical Association, MMA)的立场,反对马来西亚公共卫生医学协会(Persatuan Pakar Perubatan Kesihatan Awam Malaysia)和马来西亚伊斯兰医生组织(Pertubuhan Doktor-doktor Islam)就“确保医学系毕业生,尤其是土著毕业生可以更快转正成为永久式公务员”的建议,同时坚决谴责这具种族歧视性,并且侮辱了所有为大马人民服务而做出努力的医生的言论。

雪隆福建会馆建议政府在全国政府医院及诊疗所增建更多完善及更广泛的医疗保健设备,供更多医护人员及医生使用,以减少 “人满为患”、病人拥挤的处境;同时这也能为新科医生提供必要的临床培训。目前政府医院及诊疗所面对病人众多,设备严重不足,导致医生无法有效执行他们的任务。


雪兰莪暨吉隆坡福建会馆 启

Press Statement: Formulate a Clear, Transparent, Merit-based and Fair Appointment System for Permanent Positions for Contract Doctors

In response to the recent brief nationwide walkout by contract doctors, Selangor and Kuala Lumpur Hokkien Association (SKLHA) expressed its deep concern and urges the Government to resolve the problems faced by contract doctors.

The two demands made by the Hartal Doktor Kontrak (HDK) movement are that the Government: (1) provides all contract doctors with the option of full-time positions, and (2) establishes a clear and transparent appointment standard for full-time doctors.  Their demands are in response to the negative effect of the contract system introduced by the Government in 2016 which does not adequately protect the welfare of contract doctors.  Contract doctors lack job security and career advancement opportunities and do not enjoy the privileges of permanent staff.  This unjust system affects the morale of contract doctors and will eventually impact on the number of medical professionals and delivery of medical services in the country.  Presently, 60% of the country’s healthcare system is managed by contract interns and contract junior doctors.  According to the Ministry of Health, only 789 out of 23,077 contract doctors have become permanent doctors since 2016.

SKLHA believes that the Government should formulate a clear and transparent system for the appointment of permanent doctors, and convert all the current qualified contract doctors into permanent doctors to avoid losing these medical professionals through brain drain.  Malaysia still lacks sufficient professional doctors by international standards.  The World Health Organization (WHO) in 2014 recommended a doctor to population ratio of 34.5 per 10,000 people.  According to the WHO report, Malaysia had only 15 doctors for every 10,000 persons.  While on the other hand, countries like Australia had 37.6 doctors for every 10,000 persons, the UK has 58.2 doctors per 10,000 persons, and Canada, which has a population close to ours, had 22.4 doctors per 10,000 persons.

SKLHA points out that at a time when the country is facing severe COVID-19 pandemic, the Government should prioritise the wellbeing of all medical personnel who are battling on the front line against this pandemic with stable career and better welfare, in order to alleviate their burden and hardship.  SKLHA urges the Government, the Ministry of Health, and the police to respect the rights of contract doctors to express their views including staging walkouts to defend their interests.

SKLHA supports the position of the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) and opposes the proposal of Persatuan Pakar Perubatan Kesihatan Awam Malaysia and Pertubuhan Doktor-doktor Islam to “ensure that new medical graduates, especially from among the Bumiputeras, would be placed on the permanent establishment in the health ministry”.  This proposal is discriminatory and an affront to the efforts and contributions of all doctors who have been serving the people with dedication, especially during this Covid-19 pandemic.

SKLHA recommends that the Government equip hospitals and clinics across the nation with adequate medical and healthcare equipment and facilities; this will reduce overcrowding that is plaguing our public hospitals.  Moreover, these medical facilities and equipment are vital for the clinical training of our new doctors.  Currently, Government hospitals and clinics are faced with overcrowding and severe shortages of equipment, which prevented doctors from performing their tasks effectively.

Finally, SKLHA urges the Government to promptly resolve the problems faced by contract doctors and formulate a clear, transparent, merit-based and fair appointment system for permanent doctors.

Selangor and Kuala Lumpur Hokkien Association (SKLHA)

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