💥【吉隆坡福建义山暨聚福阁】:2023年清明节通告/NOTICE FOR QING MING FESTIVAL 2023 👨‍👨‍👦‍👦


  1. 吉隆坡福建义山已经委任工作人员收取义山清理费用,单穴收费RM40, 双穴收费RM70,请在缴付费用后领取单据并将印章贴纸粘贴在墓碑显眼处供收费员查核。支付方式包括现金以及电子收费 TOUCH N GO E-WALLET,缴费时请注意以下事项:
    • 金额:单穴-RM40,双穴-RM70
    • 转账成功的页面截图后,WhatsApp义山暨骨灰阁行政处手机 +60-18-201 0602,或出示相关证明,向行政处职员或者收费员索取单据和印章贴纸。
  2. 网上缴费(E-BANKING)资料如下:
    PUBLIC BANK 3128615106
    WhatsApp: +60-18-201 0602 Email: good-fortune@fujian-ren.com
  3. 扫墓祭拜完毕后,请把所有物品,包括纸袋、祭品、杯、罐、垃圾等带走或扔进垃圾桶里以免蚊虫滋生。
  4. 由于气候干燥,希望扫墓者尽量减少焚烧纸扎祭品,请确保祭品完全被焚烧以及火势完全熄灭,方可离开。
  5. 请吸烟者勿乱丟烟蒂,以免燃着枯草枯枝造成山火。
  6. 在扫墓高峰期,即4月1日,4月2日,4月8日和 4月9日,本义山将聘请志愿警卫团 (RELA) 维持义山交通秩序,各扫墓者务必遵守警卫团的指示。
  7. 呼请各位扫墓者尽可能共车前来,或可各自來到吉隆坡福建义山把车子停放在凤山寺或聚福阁停车 场,祭拜大伯公后再共车前往义山拜祭。义山境内也增设了一个临时的停车场。
  8. 若有任何疑问,请联络义山暨骨灰阁行政处,电话:+60-3-2148 2276 / +60-3-2141 6007 WhatsApp: +60-18-201 0602
  1. The Management Committee of Kuala Lumpur Hokkien Cemetery has authorized its staff to collect the cemetery maintenance & cleaning fees at RM40 for single-grave and RM70 for double-grave. Payment can be made by cash or via TOUCH N GO e-Wallet. Please request an official stamped receipt after your payment.
  2. Payment can also be made via E-BANKING with the following details:

PUBLIC BANK Account No.: 3128615106
WhatsApp or email the payment slips to:
WhatsApp: +60-18-201 0602 or e-mail: good-fortune@fujian-ren.com

  1. At the end of the tomb-sweeping activity, please clean up and take away all items including paper/plastics bags, offerings, cups, cans, garbage etc., or throw them into the designated trash bins to avoid mosquito breeding. Please help to keep the cemetery clean by not littering.
  2. Due to the danger of bushfire, please be extra careful when burning joss paper and other articles of offerings. Ensure that the fire has completely died out before leaving.
  3. Please do not throw unextinguished cigarette butts indiscriminately to avoid burning the dry grass and accidentally causing a bushfire.
  4. During the peak tomb-sweeping period of the Qing Ming Festival, i.e., on 1 & 2 and 8 & 9 April 2023, the Management Committee of Kuala Lumpur Hokkien Cemetery will engage volunteer security corps, (RELA) to manage the traffic flow in the Cemetery. We seek your co-operation in following the instructions of the RELA traffic wardens.
  5. Visitors are encouraged to carpool whenever possible or park your cars at the Feng Shan Temple or Good Fortune Pavilion car parks and proceed to the tombs by carpooling. A temporary car park has also been set up inside the cemetery area this year.
  6. If you have any enquiries, please contact the management office at the following phone lines: Tel: +60-3-2148 2276, +60-3-2141 6007 / WhatsApp: +60-18-201 0602.



👉【百年吉隆坡福建义山】video- 吉隆坡市的绿肺,义山内充满古迹历史,拥有感人的故事,百年来它见证了华人在巴生河流域开埠的奋斗史。🌴


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